Parish Groups
If you wish to contact any of these groups, please call or email the Parish Office.
The newly formed Parish Life team seeks to assist Church Council to strengthen our mission within and beyond the parish. We aim to foster a spirit of community and service (through social, spiritual, intellectual and practical means) by encouraging connections between all individuals and groups within the parish, nurturing the formation of our young people and future parish leaders, and developing links with the broader community we are called to serve. We will be offering our services to several existing parish projects and getting some new initiatives off the ground. At every opportunity we will be looking to involve others in what we do. So please answer the call for service when you hear it!
YOUNG ADULTS: This group caters for young adults aged between 18 and early 30's, who participate in devotions and social events. New members always welcome.
SPY: More details here.
MEN'S GROUP: There is an active Men's Ministry within the Parish, including the very popular Men and Boys Camp. Stay tuned for more details for the Men's Program.

PASTORAL CARE TEAM: The Parish is proud to have a dedicated group of volunteers who provide members of the community with pastoral assistance.
PRAYER CHAIN: Members of the Prayer Chain are based at both churches and are always happy to hear from anyone who wishes to be added to the list of people to be prayed for. Contact person: Helen Wakefield.
WORSHIP TEAM: Assists in organising services and endeavours to enhance the experience of worship together as one community. Contact person: Janet Hewett.
BANDYUP OUTREACH: A group of parish volunteers who have begun a new ministry offering friendship and practical support to families of prisoners at Bandyup Prison. Apart from a friendly chat with a cup of tea we also share eggs and some of the food collected in the parish, which are gratefully received by needy families. Stay tuned for more news of this exciting new initiative and don’t forget that clothing and toys in good condition can be left at the Minchin Centre for Bandyup families. Contact person: Janet Hewett.
MEDITATION: Anyone is welcome to turn up to these groups. They meet at:
Tuesday 10.00am-11.00am, The Minchin Centre, (next to St. Mary’s)
Friday 5.30pm-6.30pm, All Saints, Henley Brook.
FINANCE TEAM: A sub committee of Church Council. Currently comprises of the Wardens and Treasurer. Reports to Church Council. Contact person: Mary Wright.