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Holy Week


During Holy Week we remember Jesus' final visit to Jerusalem, his final meal with his friends, the trial before the religious and secular authorities, his crucifixion and the bewildering but life-giving news of his resurrection.


The services during Holy Week form a sort of play with multiple acts, as we trace the main events of Jesus' last week, culminating in the joyful mystery of Easter morning.


You are very welcome to come and share with us even if you are not a member of the church, and we hope that in these services which reveal the heart of the Church's teaching on human life you will be refreshed and filled with new hope.

Palm Sunday.jpg

Maundy Thursday

1 April 7pm

St Mary's Church


The theme of this service is Jesus' final meal with his friends the night of his arrest.


Jesus washes his disciples' feet, telling them that the greatest among them would be the one who serves, and he commands them to remember him in the simple meal of bread and wine that today we know as the Eucharist.

Palm Sunday 

28 March 2021 9.00 am

All Saints Church


This service on the Sunday before Easter commemorates Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem and 'sets the scene' for Holy Week.


We re-enact the scene by walking together down the road (Henry St) carrying palm fronds and singing. This service will be held outdoors so long as the weather is fine - in case of inclement weather it will be held at St Mary's.


Good Friday

9am All Saints Church

12noon - 3pm St Mary's


The New Testament records that Jesus was crucified on Friday before the Sabbath commenced at sundown. Christians call this Friday 'Good' because in Jesus' willingness to suffer humiliation and death we see the depth of God's love for all that God has created.


We meet at All Saints Church at 9am for a service called 'Stations of the Cross', a sort of walking meditation which retraces Jesus' trial and execution with reflections based on the scriptural account of Jesus' trial and death. (Note: If we are unable to hold the outdoors Stations of the Cross service, we will hold a service of Adoration of the Cross inside the church.)


Between 12noon and 3pm there will be a quiet time of meditation at St Mary's Church with music and brief reflections on the seven last words of Christ. You are welcome to drop in any time. Fr Evan will also be available for spiritual direction or the sacrament of reconciliation.


Easter Day

6.00am All Saints

10 am St Mary's


We begin our easter celebration with an Easter Vigil service that begins just after dawn with the lighting of the new fire at All Saints, the oldest church in Western Australia still being used by a worshipping community. The Vigil service proclaims Jesus' passover from death to life in the context of the Old Testament stories of God's faithfulness and love.  We renew the vows made for us at our baptism, and share breakfast after the service.


At St Mary's we celebrate the Eucharist of the Resurrection and renew our baptism vows, concluding with morning tea in the Minchin Centre.

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